
A list of projects, old and new.

Neural Networks for Facial Recognition

Neural science, Principal Component Analysis, Neural networks

Investigating how neurons in the visual cortex process images of faces. Researching applications of principal component analysis (PCA) on face data to isolate key identifying facial features.

Deaf-Blind Registration and Matching System

HTML5, CSS3, C#, SQL, Azure and ASP.Net MVC

Capstone project through Seattle University. Created section 508 compliant web portal to register deaf-blind applicants for summer camp; significantly increasing the turn-around time of a previous paper-based system. Administrative users can automatically match campers with lodging and interpreters; eliminating manual matching via spreadsheets.

Cadmus Dungeon Crawler

Xamarin, XAML, C#

Team project developing D&D based, cross-platform (iOS and Android) mobile game. Designed and implemented turn-based battle engine.

Data Mining for Smoking and the Risk Associated with Heart Disease

Classification Trees using Python

Applying steps for effective data mining to heart disease data to study how behavior such as exercise, smoking, and eating habits effect heart disease prevention.

Undergraduate Student Research: Prime Generating Polynomials Over Gaussian Integers

Published, Pi Mu Epsilon Journal, Spring 2018

Studied quadratic polynomials with 86% efficiency of producing prime numbers over the set of Gaussian integers.